Saturday 30 April 2011

Labour smell blood as coalition weakens

LABOUR has stepped up their game in a bid to snatch Canterbury from the firm grip of the Conservatives with a new agenda in place. The party have distributed a leaflet to every house in the city with detailed plans and are urging residents to display Labour support posters in their windows.

With the Conservative/Lib Dem coalition wavering, a YouGov poll suggests Labour have risen to 43% of votes in the country, while the Conservatives slip to 34% and Liberal Democrats disastrously falling to just 9%.

City Labour campaigners say they are not surprised by these figures, especially in regard to the Liberal voters.

“I am not going to vote any longer for a party which breaks up its principles and breaks its promises as the Lib Dems have done” and “They claim to be different from the Tories locally, but most of the problems for the council are caused by the Lib-Dem and Tory Government” are just two examples of the Lib-Dem support faltering.

Among the Labour plans, the party claim to be fighting to:

• Support and develop museums, festivals and cultural attractions

• Encourage the redevelopment of Wincheap Commercial Estate in the interests of local people.

• Demand traffic lights for the Wincheap roundabout.

• Retain the Westgate Hall as a premier community centre.

For more information on the Labour campaign both nationally and in your constituency, visit www.labour,org,uk

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